Rules for presentation

The submission of papers to the organising committee must be done online according to the following rules:

  • - An author may not appear in more than three works and may only appear once as the first author.
    - The works may only be submitted by electronic means, via the Conference website, in Pdf format, scrupulously respecting the formatting rules and reference style..
    - The paper’s reception will be acknowledged. The authors must not consider the work as having been received until they receive confirmation.
    - Failure to comply with the formatting and referral rules will lead to non-acceptance of the works.


  • - The text must be written in Microsoft Word 2010 or a prior version. Atv the time of submission is solely requested a Pdf file, without the inclusion of the authors identification.
    - The text must be written in A4 size, single space, justified. Margins should be set to 2.5 centimeters for the right, upper and lower margins and 3.0 centimeters for the left margin.
    - The works may not exceed 80,000 characters or 18 pages, including charts, tables and bibliography. They may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. The bibliographic must appear at the end of the text. The first paragraph shall be reserved for the name of the scientific area in which the authors intend the paper to be included, in upper case, Times New Roman 10, normal and justified to the left.
    - After inserting a space (a blank line), the second paragraph shall include the Title of the paper, in upper case, Times New Roman, 12, boldface and justified to the left.
    - After inserting a space (a blank line), the third paragraph must include the authors’ full first and last names, followed by their email address and institution of origin, in Times New Roman, 11, normal and justified to the right. If there is more than one author, the remaining ones shall appear on separate lines.
    - After two blank spaces (two blank lines) the fourth paragraph shall start with the word “ABSTRACT” in upper case, Times New Roman, 11, normal and justified to the left. On the following line the text of the abstract will begin, in Times New Roman, 11, normal and justified.
    - The abstract may be in Portuguese or Spanish, always with a translation into English –ABSTRACT- or only in English. The abstract must not exceed 150 words.
    - The fifth paragraph shall start with the term “KEYWORDS”, which shall be inserted in Times New Roman, 11, normal, justified to the left and separated by commas. A maximum of five keywords shall be included. The keywords may be in Spanish or Portuguese, always with a translation into English –KEYWORDS- or only in English.
    - After the keywords a line will be Inserted
    - After two blank spaces the first heading shall be inserted, followed by the text, in Times New Roman, 10, normal, without tabs, justified, separating the paragraphs with a blank line.
    - The text headings and subheadings must be identified with Arabic numbering (1,2,3…), in upper case, Times New Roman, 10, boldface, justified, preceded by two blank lines and followed by a blank line.
    - Footnotes must be inserted at the end of the page, in Times New Roman, 8, normal and justified.
    - The charts or figures, which must be black and white, shall be inserted in the text. Preferably they shall be made using Microsoft Office applications or, alternatively, inserted as images.


  • - Each work cited must be indicated in the text by the last name(s) of the author, followed by the year, between brackets. Example: Silva (2004).
  • - The bibliographic citation rules and bibliographic references must follow the APA standards.
    - The complete reference shall be included in the bibliography and not in footnotes.
    - The bibliography will be in Times New Roman, 8, normal, in alphabetical order.

Example for books:

  • Aumont, J. & Marie, M. (2003). Dicionário teórico e crítico de cinema. São Paulo: Papirus.
    Xavier, I. (1984). O discurso cinematográfico. A opacidade e a transparência. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

Example for books:

  • Navarro, To. (2004): Title of the book, Editor, City, pp 1-10.

Book chapther example:

  • MacDougall, D. (2003). Beyond observational cinema. In P. Hockings (ed.), Principles of Visual Anthropology (115-132), 3rd Ed. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Example for papers published in journals:

  • Leroi-Gourhan, A. (1948). Cinema et sciences humaines. Le film ethnologique existe-t-il. Revue de Géographie Humaine et d’Ethnologie,1( 3) 42-50.

Example for Monographs, dissertations and theses:

  • Fitera, J. M. (2004).Los documentales de contenido religioso. Estudio de las series transmitidas por la RAI en torno al cambio de milénio (1998-2000). Navarra: Tese de Doutorado, Universidad de Navarra.

Example for newspaper article:

  • Pereira, J.P. (2001). A nova política para o audiovisual. Jornal do Commercio, 22, p. 3.

Example of Internet journals:

  • Bedregal, X. (s/data). Entrevista con Carmen Castillo: La dictadura, gran máquina del olvido, convirtió a Chile en país de la amnesia general. Disponível em:


  • - An author may not appear in more than three works and may only appear once as first author.
    - An author may not present more than two papers.
    - The papers presented may be the result of a Master’s or PhD.
    - Each paper may be submitted for one scientific area.
    - The work presented must be original and may not have been published in any format form or electronic, until the end of the event.
    - Only properly composed works with correct spelling will be accepted, since the version presented may not be amended.
    - Upon submission of the work, on a Pdf file, the inclusion of all the authors indicating their full names must be made when uploading the paper. The inclusion of any another authors following submission will not be accepted.
    - For online submission a PDF file will be required. The Word file must include the complete paper. The PDF file must not contain the author’s identification.
    - The work submitted in PDF format may not, under any circumstances, bear any identification; those whose authorship is identifiable will be excluded from the event. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the work does not contain explicit identification or unseen identification, especially in the file properties.
    - The final receipt of the papers will not be effective until the authors have paid the registration fee and sent a copy of proof of payment.
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